Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Visit for Grandma

Easter Visit

Off to San Antonio with Gary to spend Easter with my grandchildren. 
My 65th birthday also falls on the Easter weekend. My birthday wish was to spend my birthday with my granddaughter EV aged 5 in a couple of months and my grandson August aged 2 at the end of the summer. This visit I will stay in a hotel with Gary so as to not interrupt the day to day activities of my daughter Nadia's household or at least to attempt to minimize the impact on their lives as much as possible. Past visits to Matt and Nadia's home have been spent with them in their guest room. I become part of the background after awhile. I love these visits but they can exhaust me. There is a reason 65 year old people are not raising preschoolers. It is difficult to keep up with them and their energy level. When awake these little power houses never stop moving.
I can't wait to have their little arms around me hugging me as hard as they can and giving me lots of kisses only young uninhibited children are capable of doing.
When they are older and are more aware of other people's reactions to their actions these bouts of spontaneous shows of love and affection become less frequent. Best to take advantage of them while you can.
August and EV will enjoy the cake with lit candles to blow out more than I will. Birthdays to them are a sign of  accomplishing more. Hearing their little voices singing me the Happy Birthday song will be a delight to my ears.
When you get to my age you realize with each year you are capable of doing less. Funny how that works.


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