Thursday, January 28, 2016

Out of Touch Grandma

Out of Touch Grandma!
This is not out of choice. My grandchildren and yes there are now two EV and August. They live in San Antonio, Texas and I live in Whitby, Canada. Many miles separate us. I would love to live around the corner so I could see their beautiful happy faces daily. Our choices in life separate families. I am not the only grandparent suffering out there. My daughter Nadia married an American whom when she met when worked in Toronto. His employment took him to San Antonio. He is a NBA player who formally played for the Toronto Raptors but has been playing now for the San Antonio Spurs for the past several years. He hails from New Hampshire so even off season their time off is split between his home state and Toronto, my daughter's birth place.
Matt Bonner's parents live in New Hampshire so his parents have the privilege of seeing their grandchildren when the Bonner family are living in their Mountain Home. Some time is also spent up in Toronto visiting the Canadian friends and family off season. There would be more reason for Matt and family to spend time up here if the Canadians had offered him a place on the Canadian National Basketball team so he could have represented Canada in the last Olympics. It is not like we are overflowing with qualified talented people to help build a team. Every year it is getting better and Canada is producing more talent but this same talent is forced to move to the USA for opporturtunies for their future in sports.
Matt played for some time for the Toronto Raptors but even before he was picked for the team he lived in Toronto and practiced with the team. He spends part of his off season here annually. Matt Bonner married a Canadian and has obtained dual citizenship for his eldest child EV and is in the process of acquiring the same for his youngest. He had a grandfather who was Canadian. Why is the Immigration System in Canada stalling his application? He would be a great asset.
I know I sound selfish and you are right. I would love for them to spend more time up here so I can see all of them more often but I guess this was not meant to be. Canada does not want to open their doors to him. As a result Matt must spend more time in the USA securing his future to ensure the future for his family. After-all most athletes have short careers. Most must think about what to do for the rest of their lives once their playing time has ended. Their career choices are hard on their bodies. Yes the family may survive financially if they are frugal surviving off the earnings Matt made during his NBA career but is it the healthy and wise choice to make to just sit back and do nothing once this part of your life is over? After all he will still be in his thirties albeit his late thirties but as humans we are not meant to remain idle. It is not good for one's mental health. What kind of role model would he be for his children? It is not likely they will follow in his footsteps and even if they did would they make it into the NBA?
Matt's siblings both play basketball and both have played professionally. Both also only earn normal salaries. It is not possible for everyone to be picked for these elite positions. It takes hard work, skill, determination and the right body type. He is after all 6'10" tall which helps. It is not likely either of his children will reach that height. My daughter is only 5'4" tall. Both children will definitely be taller then her but probably not as tall as their Dad.Will they have the same drive and interests as their father? Maybe. Whatever their choices will be for their future, I just hope it does not take them even further away from me. Again I am a Grandmother missing her Grandchildren.

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